Saturday, May 31, 2008

A day on my own...

We don't have classes on Fridays, so I took our first Friday to hang out by myself....first, i slept in until 11am, then i got dressed and went back to Wallenstein. In the Wallenstein gardens, they have peacocks just running free and chillin'. It was sooo awesome. I spent some time there, just hanging out.

Then I went to go look for some food. I just walked the streets for a while until i found a little cafe. As i was looking for some place to eat, i walked into every little store that i found. It was really cool. The area that I was in, Malestraska, has a lot of little second hand store :)

After lunch, I found the Church of Our Lady Victorious. This is where The Infant of Prague is housed. The Infant of Prague is a little wax statue of Baby Jesus that was given to Prague by the Spanish (i think). They say that the statue kept Prague safe during times of war. I went through the little museum, sat down and prayed, took pictures, and then they had mass in Italian, so I stayed for that too. It was really beautiful!!

After Mass, I went to find the John Lennon wall. After John Lennon died, the youth of Prague devoted a wall to him, painting art and Beatles lyrics on it. But since Czech lands were still under communism at the time, it was all painted over. People continued to express themselves, and it kept on getting white washed, but now, the wall have all this art on it. It's really cool. Not only does it remember Lennon, but the fight to end communism.

After all that, I came back to the dorms for a nap. In the evening, a group of us went to a play. The play was called FeatherHeads, and it was about how we spend a third of our lives in bed. It was sooo interesting. After that, we went to a little italian cafe and had some wine and pizza.

Today I'm laying low. I'm probably just going to hang out at the dorms so I can rest and save money. But I think we are going to another play tonight...


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